Una proposta (non?) sovversiva. Le competenze del bibliotecario dei dati (DILL)

Anna Maria Tammaro


The Seminar has tried to understand the role, activities and competencies of the data librarian, for a curriculum proposal, simply renewed or completely subversive. The research questions were: What are the activities necessary for data curation? And what competencies are needed for the training and education of the data librarian? Prior to the Seminar, a questionnaire on the data librarian competencies has been administered. A conversation before and after the seminar took place online, and helped to clarify the different opinions of librarians. In conclusion, the results about the activities and competencies of the data librarian are evidenced.


bibliotecario dei dati, curriculum, data curation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201804-065-1

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