In Toscana nasce un servizio di reference collaborativo online che fa perno su tre atenei

Francesca Cagnani


The project intends to develop an on-line collaborative reference service within the SBART agreement signed by Tuscan University Library Systems, whose aim is to set up a federated network among the library systems of the three main Tuscan universities (Florence, Pisa and Siena), in order to offer to their users shared services and search bibliographic tools. The service is provided in asynchronous way, both via email and a web-based form, and it is first addressed to the SBART community, but it is also open to not only institutional users. It has been adopted the software Question Point (OCLC), already used by the University of Florence since 2009. The annual subscription fees for the Base Management Environment and the three Service Unit Profile are shared pro-rata. The involved libraries and librarians are specialized in several disciplinary areas, in order to ensure support with a plurality of skills and documentary sources. A local archive (Reference in Toscana) of selected questions and answers is shared and searchable through the university library systems web pages.

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