La Mediateca LEDHA entra a far parte del Sistema Bibliotecario di Milano

Roberta Moro, Davide Capotorto


The article illustrates the history and the activity of the “Mediateca LEDHA”, born in the Eighties with the purpose of supporting the social and cultural activities of the LEDHA association. The aim of the association is to promote the diffusion of an equal opportunities culture and to protect the right of an independent lifestyle for disabled people through cultural activities (communication, meetings, loan services of books and movies, searches, publications) and further education. The “Mediateca LEDHA” stores a wealth of book and multimedia material on the topic of disability, collected during 40 years, and from 2022, thanks to the mediation of AIB Lombardia, has entered the Polo SBN Città di Milano (PCM).


Mediateca LEDHA; Sistema Bibliotecario di Milano; disabilità


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