Dai bisogni info-formativi (spesso inconsapevoli o inespressi) degli studenti ai molteplici alfabetismi

Luisa Marquardt


The contribution was developed for the “World Café” - Table 1 within Convegno Stelline 2024 (session of March 20, https://www.convegnostelline.it/evento/accademiche-bibliotecario-educatore-e-formatore/). Libraries, in particular school and university libraries, are also learning environments, as they teach the use of resources and support users on the path from information to active knowledge construction. Various approaches emphasise the importance of ‘K-20’ continuity from pre-school to university. Therefore, it is necessary to make learners aware of their information and learning needs and the necessity to acquire the multiple literacies needed in the 21st century.


Alfabetizzazione; biblioteche ambienti di apprendimento; biblioteche scolastiche e universitarie

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202404-017-1

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