La biblioteca scolastica in un prologo, un decalogo e un futuro possibile

Cristina Bellei, Angelo Bardini


With a decalogue, a prologue and a hypothesis of the future, the article offers the story of the Emilia-Romagna reading hub’s educational journey. Beginning from the starting line (not coincidentally, the pole’s headquarters is in Maranello, at IC Stradi) with who and how, a journey of 43 events, from Piacenza to Rimini, with thoughtful stops. The formula, or the basic idea, was the variety of proposals and the choice of venues and the revalorization of “live,” not neglecting the digital and the hybrid. A Barnum.


Biblioteca; library; bibliotecario; librarian; Biblioteca scolastica; Biblioteche scolastiche; Advocacy; School libraries


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