Mappatura dei fondi bibliografico-musicali

Stefania Gitto


In order to preserve and promote their musical sources and heritage, Regione Toscana and Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Foundation have created the Centro di Documentazione Musicale della Toscana to offerring service to the regional cultural institutions, especially unspecialised libraries and archives, for the management of their collections of notated music, manuscripts and printed scores. In 2015 CeDoMus has started a census of music collections stored in the region and now we can identify more than 500 bibliographic funds, from XIII century to today, with, sacred, classic, and modern repertoires. Website, geo-referenced map, database and events promote the results of the project.


Biblioteca; Biblioteche; Musica; Biblioteche musicali; Fondo; Fondi

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