Non più semplici lettori

Caterina Vagniluca


In these late years, young adults’ reading attitude has been changed by the development of Internet. Websites like EFP Fanction and Wattpad help new generation of readers and writers to create their own communities of people with the same taste in reading – romance, fantasy, historical fiction and other genres – who comment every story they pubblish. On Wattpad, every paragraph of the story can be commented by the user in two ways: suggestions to the writer or ironic dialogues with character’s choices during the chapter. Young debut writers use Wattpad as a springboard by partecipating to the platform’s writers contest named Wattys every year, this contest helps them gaining views and to be noticed by pubblishing houses. Publishing houses comunicate with readers through social media and collaborations, in Italy the most important case is Oscar Vault by Mondadori for new fantasy releases. Collaborations are means for a modern profession: Bookinfluencing. Young readers present books they recive in videos, post or stories on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube.


Ragazzi; Young adult; Influencer; BookInfluencer; Booktok; Fanfiction

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