Il patrimonio culturale delle Nazioni Unite presso la Biblioteca depositaria dell’Università Cattolica di Milano

Deborah Grbac


Since 1969 to date, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Library’s experience in managing the special collection of United Nations documents and publications has developed along with the United Nations System of Depository Libraries evolution. Fifty years of a collection is a cultural and intellectual heritage demanding in terms of conservation and transmission to the next generations and unfortunately it is easy to make the mistake that everything is at disposal online, that paper has no more future, or that everything is free on the web. Belonging to a system with precise rules helps to manage the unavoidable transition to the electronic format keeping consistent with the tasks engaged and with the possibility to offer concrete solutions to the scientific community to which one belongs. Scientific community which produced in place and whose intellectual heritage deserves to be transmitted; as it is the case of the special collection professor Giuseppe Biscottini.


Patrimonio culturale; Unicatt; Biblioteca; Biblioteche depositarie; organizzazioni internazionali

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